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It is the Word of God. Though it was written by men, it was guided by the Holy Spirit.                                                                    Psalm 119:11     Isaiah 40:8     2 Timothy 3:15-17

One God manifested in three people: The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each member of the Trinity fulfills a different mission, but they all have the same power and authority.

The Father                                                                                                               
God is omnipresent, worthy, and holy. He is a loving father who gave His only son as redemption for sin.
Exodus 3:14     John 3:16     Acts 17:28

The Son
Jesus is fully human and fully God. He died, resurrected, and on the third day He ascended into Heaven and sat at the right hand of God the Father. He overcame death with His resurrection.
Isaiah 7:14     Matthew 1:18-23     John 1:1     Colossians 1:15

The Holy Spirit
The presence of the Holy Spirit helps us to have intimate communication with Jesus. He guides believers to all truth and convicts us of sin. He is our comforter and the one who gives us special gifts.                                                    
Psalm 51:11     Joel 2:28-32     Isaiah 61:1-3     Ephesians 1:13-14

Man was created in the image of God. Because of sin, he was separated from God. Every human being was made to be unique. It is only through the Cross that we can obtain repentance and forgiveness of sins.
Genesis 1:26-30  Psalm 8:3-6  Jeremiah 17:5  1 Corinthians 12:21-31

The only way to receive salvation is through the blood of Jesus. Salvation is a gift from God, and can only happen when people have heart that is willing to surrender at His feet.                                                                                                        Isaiah 1:18     Matthew 1:21     Acts 2:21     Galatians 2:20

The church is a community of believers that gather together to learn more about the Word of God. The church is committed to take the teaching of Christ and to spread the gospel to the world. The church works in unity and love to glorify God.  Matthew 16:18-19   Colossians 1:18   1 Timothy 4:14   Revelation 21:2-3